Imagination is a licensed trespasser: it has no fear of dogs but may climb over walls and peep in at windows with impunity.
– George Eliot said that

Imagination is a licensed trespasser: it has no fear of dogs but may climb over walls and peep in at windows with impunity.
– George Eliot said that
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That’s a great quote; one I’ve never read before and it’s perfect for your photo. There is so much in this image that also speaks of neglect and decay. That private property sign is probably the most significant to me. I love how images like this have so much to say or at least so much for the imagination, as Eliot had said.
So much wonderful texture that works so well in B&W
Beautiful tones and wood grain patterns captured in this composition! I love that quote.
This is a great image and B&W suits it perfectly! Nice find, Sherri!
oh gosh, MY imagination has MANY fears lol
i saw your title in my feed reader and thought of the movie ‘300’ and Gerard Butler yelling ‘THIS IS SPARTA!!’
this is a very nice picture xoxoxooxoxoxoxox
Fading away in obscurity …
Great in bl-white
The number system for houses in your part of the world always astonishes me 🙂
lol. we don’t have much of a system. everyone is left to mark their own home after the mail system gives us the number to use.
Nice find and a perfect quote to accompany it. The adventure in exploring is imagining the lives that have passed there over the many years.
It actually looks like with a bit of TLC, Sherri, someone could really spruce this place up. Too bad it’s “private property.”
Decayed perhaps, but it must have a story to tell. I love where imagination can take a person.
The Reverse James Bond !!
Beautiful light and shadow on this beautifully weathered wood. Excellent in B&W.