Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.
— Dorothea Lange said that

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.
— Dorothea Lange said that
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Sweet use of those great lines.
x marks the spot. many x’s make a tic-tac-toe board
good observation
a surprising observation, but a good one nevertheless : – )
Super how cables can make a fine image.
The minimalistic effect is wonderful , I especially like the horizontal lines with the row of birds.
Nice idea, well executed Sherri
Beautiful framing .
J’adore la composition de ta photo et ce très beau noir et blanc . Très belle citation
Un cliché très original et tout beau, superbe! Bise, bon samedi dans la joie!
A fleeting moment captured in memory by a photography. Well presented.
A well chosen composition.
A cool shot of this crosswalk in the sky.
Well seen and executed!!
Surprenante prise, pour moi qui n’aime pas ces fils,pourtant très utiles. )
Always very original your shots, seem veiled by a bit of melancholy. I like the geometric intersection of cables in the sky
Simple, sobre et efficace, j’aime beaucoup.
lovely!! and brilliant!! the birds, i see, have already chosen the direction they are taking 🙂
Great use of leading lines in this minimalistic, yet powerful, composition!!
Wonderful use of the lines in this image. A great title!