b.Lo.o.M. Posted by sherri Jun 13, 2020 flora images macro 13 Comments 4k Views The earth laughs in flowers.Ralph Waldo Emerson said that sherri Jun 13, 2020
Lovely. One thing that got me through (and continues to get me through) health treatment and recovery is the garden. In fact the major thing.
Quelle magnifique fleur, j’adore la forme et la couleur.
Love the blurs and colors … another fine floral shot. My garden has lost all its spring wonder. Just green now. Sigh 🙁
Comme les ailes d’un oiseau
Such fluidity in its form and rich color captured in this bloom!
This is just so beautiful, Sherri!! Great comp -color – and clarity!
such beauty, your photography amazes me the most xoxox
Une photo très joliment composée et pleine de douceur.
Bonne soirée
A very fine macro of the “bloom”
Le jardin est une source de bonheur, ainsi que tes photos d’ailleurs.
a very nice unfolding
A beautiful flower photo with fine details and very nice use of focus.
It’s one of my favorite quotes, Sherri, and perfect for this image!