If you make any money, the government shoves you in the creek once a year with it in your pockets and all that don’t get wet you can keep.
— that Will Rogers guy said that

If you make any money, the government shoves you in the creek once a year with it in your pockets and all that don’t get wet you can keep.
— that Will Rogers guy said that
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I love the subtle textures of winter. I definitely do not love the time of year they come for the money. 🙂
A tranquil setting spotted along this creek with nice reflections!! A cute quote to accompany this shot.
I like rivers in winter when you can see between the trees on the banks
haha, that quote made me laugh!! pretty picture of a creek tho!
remember how you showed me how to start a photoblog? well it seems my photoblog is on it’s last legs… i only had ONE comment on my last photo, and on a good day, i’m down to about 3 commenters 🙁
A nice wintery image Sherri. I like the road winding out of the left side
Such a lovely composition, Sherri! And a funny quote from Will!
Symbol of life, whether upwards or downwards
I can’t get rid of the all caps for some reason??
Anyway, I LOVe love the new format and that gorgeous photo on your header. Lovely and inviting.
the all caps is only while you’re entering your comment.
what a Q u i R k
He was a smart man. I like the hint of the winding road and snow.
Jolie prise de vue hivernale !
Snow?A very wintry look. For some reason everything is in caps.
Une très belle photo
Now there’s a thought! nice picture, Sherri
Best to keep your cash in a plastic bag then 🙂 Nice creek shot
Drôle de citation !… Belle image prise.
That sounds like Will Rogers! The image tells the story of living in eace and reflection until you get pushed in.
Tres bele remise en forme du site et quelle iagme ce canla ces reflets ces arbres sueprbe
Belle soirée
Beautiful serene landscape photo with a well chosen composition.
Beautiful new design of your site.
Of course nothing stays dry 😉
I like the photo and new layout of these pages
Beautiful !
Lovely treatment/
I like the near monochrome palette of this color shot.
What a gorgeous scene, Sherri, and one that seeps into all the pores of my senses. Will Rogers really was quite the character, wasn’t he!
If this is your new look, I’m loving it.
love the shot of the creek Sherri… the story about the tax collectorsounds right….peter:)