I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.
— Joan Didion said that

I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.
— Joan Didion said that
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Cette main que va lécher les touches de la machine sueprbe effet.
It’s like she’s looking through a glass darkly at this particular point in her thought process, Sherri. 🙂 So mysterious.
oooh, is that your typewriter? my mom had an old typwriter but it was ugly… this one is so pretty!
I like the mysterious appeal
This is a very fine picture Sherri
Such a vintage appeal with this typewriter. I love the close-up and PoV from key level. Nice hi-key processing as well.
The processing is very successful, a fine detail photo of this old typewriter together with the mysterious hand.
Such a fine shot of this ancient device. It’s hard to believe this was once state-of-the-art for getting words on paper.
That is fabulous.
a fine illustration of your quote of the day
A great quote. The image is fabulous. Wonderful light and motion. Creative thoughts being put on paper.
An excellent writers’ image. I’m a great fan of Joan Didion as well.
Surely you know what you are thinking but writing is a good tool for analysing it
Magnifique traitement.
Superb atmosphere in this photo !
Très belle réalisation j’ adore
Très belle réalisation j’ adore
This is just fantastic, Sherri! Bravo!
When I was younger, that’s what writing did for me too.
I love those vintage typewriters and somehow the high key and that great POV take me right smack back to those times.
Love it.