LAND. TREE. BIRD. Posted by sherri Nov 30, 2018 greyscale images landscape living creatures 22 Comments 5.7k Views Buy land, they’re not making it anymore. — that Mark Twain guy said that sherri Nov 30, 2018
How true! Everywhere I look something is being built on the land. I like how your image gives the solemn feel these words deserve
Jolie photo hivernale.
Beautiful composition with the flying birds
excellent composition, Sherri. today we have similar weather here.
Well composed with the birds and the bra (?) 😉
no, that is trash thrown out by some passer by
i could have Photoshopped it out, but i didn’t want to hide the offenders crime
I love that Mark Twain quote
It suits your very pleasing picture
Winter desolation.
Very nice, Sherri!
And plant trees! I love this, Sherri.
Catching those birds in what was already a fine subject, was a real bonus
Simple beau paysage
kinda circling like vultures up there! neat shot, unless there is a cowboy about to die in that field, and they ARE vultures 🙂
Beautiful simplicity.
I like the atmosphere of this picture in your black and white.
magnifique tonalité…
The tree has a stately presence with its dense network of branches!
Looks blustery with those fluttering birds. Nice B/W. .
A lovely composition that highlights that pretty tree.
I love the mood of this image. The bare tree and the birds. It creates a peaceful feeling.
not many places to land for this small flock
Quel vol d’oiseau et ce solitaire et les herbes quelle vue et image sueprbe
Belle journée