The only truly affluent are those who do not want more than they have.
— Erich Fromm said that

The only truly affluent are those who do not want more than they have.
— Erich Fromm said that
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I love this. Excellent use of the texture layered on top.
The texture is a terrific part of this very painterly image!
very nice separation and balance of the compositional elements. the texture is a bonus feature
Beautiful tones and textures in this well-layered composition!!
A super use of texture in this artistic image. Very nice indeed.
I am not normally a big fan of these textures but here it works beautifully
J’adore superbe !!!
Tout à fait de saison !… )
Tellement beau, superbe! Bise, bon mardi tout en douceur!
You have made very effective use of the texturing
This is a piece of art. I like the stroke like texture and the simplicity of the composition.
It looks like an old painting, beautifully done.
the texture really is well suited to this image and I sure do like that quote. I think this every time I’m here: I love your unique way of simply saying, ” ____ said that”
A beautiful image with a bleak feel. It reminds me a lot of paintings by Andrew Wyeth.
I like your treatment here. How the landscape drops away so suddenly, too
just beautiful, sweetheart!! i’m not so much a ‘consumer’ anymore, but i doooo want a tiny house 🙂
Beautiful image and original idea to place them on a textured background
Belle texture,j’aime bien le N/B
I really like the treatment. It gives depth to the image. Wonderful light and beautifully composed.
Those textures really elevate the image. Wonderful.