Never work before breakfast; if you have to work before breakfast, eat your breakfast first.
— Josh Billings said that

Never work before breakfast; if you have to work before breakfast, eat your breakfast first.
— Josh Billings said that
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Lovely fresh vegetables in a very appetizing image.
A nice collage presentation with beautiful greens! The liquid and reflected light give this a luscious appearance.
Indeed, very well photographic presented.
A beautiful close up image! Vegetable gardens are wonderful!
I have to have breakfast!
There is nothing better than going into the garden to pick dinner.
interesting combination – I see growing and ready to eat, but I miss the planting stage.
Jolie présentation.
Wonderful shades of green in this splendid image.
Magnifique, très appétissant.
C’est des excellent làgume avec la fleur sueprb euve.
Belle journée
Beautiful presentation .
Tout beau Sherri, superbe! Bise, bonne journée toute douce!
How would that work then (the quote that is 🙂 Nice pea detail shot
From flowers to fruits and seeds … a delicious presentation idea for both the eyes and the taste buds !
It looks like your peas are a little further along than ours! Very appropriately seasonal 🙂
SO refreshing – beautifully presented
Une très belle photo !
My best time for work, sherri
I would say that is good advise, although I have to admit that many a time I have had to skip breakfast before work. I might have to plant some snow peas. Yours on the photos looks gorgeous.
love the snow peas Sherri… and what Josh said about eat your breakfast first….peter:)
Looks so beautiful and well prepared, I’ll have them for breakfast )
hahaha, i love that piece of advice!
when i was a little girl, a farmer had a stand just out of town, and in the summer i used to beg my dad to take me there and buy me a pound of peas! what a treat! way better than candy!
pretty pictures!
what a lovely diptych and that’s pretty fine advice too