Simple people are very quick to see the live facts which are going on about them.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes said that

Simple people are very quick to see the live facts which are going on about them.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes said that
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A great image of the shoes hanging from the power line. There are a pair hanging that I see occasionally and I have always thought about stopping and taking a picture.
nice framing and texture
Very nice effect for this, Sherri!
That seems to be a world wide phenomenon. Very cool shot.
Don’t you wonder what the story is behind this, Sherri! Hopefully they weren’t someone’s favorite shoes! Great quote from Holmes to go with this image.
Un cliché original. Très belle trouvaille.
Quelle originalité et vue des souliers pendu et ce rendu sueprbe compo
Belle journée
“Une image quelle est bien bonne” aurait le célèbre et sympathique comique “Coluche”.
Used to mark territory I believe
Wonderful work !!
The shoes hanging from the power line is common in many places. I understood that this marked areas, “territories” of gangs or drug dealers. But I do’nt know.
Ha ha
Well, but how do they get there so high?
Belle photo originale! Je ne sais pas pourquoi les gens lance leur soulier ainsi… ça arrive souvent qu’on en voit ici aussi… Bise, bon mercredi tout en douceur!
Nice minimalism of a scene seen around the world.
J’adore +++++ Une photo minimaliste super réussie avec un magnifique traitement !
Composed and presented beautifully
Shoes tossing (or Shoefiti) would be an art of street which in France disparait, the employees of the city remove them as fast as possible. As for the photo sheit is simple and nicely treated, Phil
Well spotted!
Someone has enjoyed it.
Well-spotted and captured!! A great minimalist composition with nice leading lines as well.
how unusual! well spotted and captured, Sherri
High-school high jinks?
A very fine shot of the shoes on the wire. I like the processing, too.
Well seen the shoes hanging on the power wire and as always clearly photographed.
i always loved seeing shoes on a wire, i wondered about them, until i heard that the owners of the shoes had become victims of a heinous crime. i still love this shot tho!