vo i cE Posted by sherri Sep 26, 2019 greyscale images macro typography 19 Comments 5.6k Views your voice is my favorite sound — i don’t know who said that sherri Sep 26, 2019
Splendid glass sculpture with such fluidity and sleekness!
Magnifique couple….
Jolie décoration !
the two look good together. an elegant creation and i like your composition of it.
Each figure compliments the other, so they look good together.
Gotta LOVE the minimalism of this image, Sherri, as well as the quote!
awww sweet!! have you ever seen swans doing their mating dance and singing? it’s amazing! they have their heads meet and such, just like in all the statues, it makes a heart shape, and they sing like whales!
A magnificent image Sherri and the quote is the perfect pairing. The negative space and overall minimalism has such impact.
Le chant des cygnes quelle composition et image fantastique vue
Belle soirée
it does seem the right goose is serenading and the left one appreciating so your caption is apt
Such elegance and charm
The quote set me off thinking about favourite sounds, which was an interesting little side trip; Nature produces the best I think. Nice simple still life
On further though the sound of the distant whistle and chuff of a steam train evokes a certain magic too
i like your still life and the background Sherri… Penny’s voice is my favorite sound….peter:)
Fantastic shot, well exposed.
It’s a beautiful statement, whoever said it. And it works well with this gorgeous image!
A cool play with figures and quote.
Beautiful … i love birds, my favourite bird is the puffin. They are such beautiful animals 🙂