It’s so curious. One can resist tears and ‘behave’ very well in the hardest hours of grief. But then someone makes you a friendly sign behind a window, or one notices that a flower that was in bud only yesterday has suddenly blossomed, or a letter slips from a drawer and everything collapses.
— Colette said that

Gorgeous image, Sherri! And I can relate to the quote…. Frank and I frequent a local coffee shop and the barista’s have become friends. On one of Frank’s trips back to England – when we didn’t know when US Customs and Immigration would allow him back again, one of the girls at the shop greeted me with a very sweet, sad smile and asked how I was holding up. I dissolved in her arms and sobbed “I’m just fine until someone asks me how I’m doing….”
Yes, it’s in quiet moments like this that it happens, sherri
that’s beautiful…. i think what it is is that during the hard times we are afraid we don’t matter and won’t show it… but if someone shows us we matter, it all comes flooding out
wild id good Sherri… nice contrast in b&w….peter:)
That is so beautiful, Sherri…both the image and the quote! Happy New Year.
Beautiful treatment, Sherri.
The quote is very true and the picture is beautiful Sherri
Joie fleur d’hibiscus.
wild maybe, still elegant in its beauty and simplicity.
oh boy can I relate to her quote. And what a really lovely photo. So apt with that blood red throat of the hibiscus. It’s lovely.
Splendid clarity captured in this rose of sharon!! Processing in B&W really makes it “pop”!
A beautiful flower. I like that selective color.
Same with me – stoic in a sad moment until someone pats or hugs me, then I get all teary. Lovely use of selective color in the image.
A lovely bloom with fine use of depth of field to feature your subject
Quelle fines fleur douce et délicate quel coeur et pétale sueprbe
Belle journée
So beautiful photo and so true !!
Hibiscus? Lovely
I love how you used selective color. A tear slips gently from the eye.
A gorgeous image as a result, well done.
Emotions in beauty.