Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve and too short for those who rejoice.
Henry Van Dyke said that

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve and too short for those who rejoice.
Henry Van Dyke said that
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Splendid hi-key processing to illuminate this building in the night! I love that quote. Although I must say 2020 has sped by me despite COVID restrictions. 🙂
it’s a wonderful night shot Sherri… i disagree with the least of the quote… “too short for those who rejoice”.
life is good and we can rejoice every minute of the day….peter:)
Let the transition begin . . at last. A pretty shot of this lighted dome.
Like the quote and image.
Waiting for that U.S. transition has taken forever.
Personally, I get to rejoice each minute of my life. Some things are enjoyed more than others but even the bad times now are important to me. Hard to explain but it is what it is.
Lovely night shot. Wonderful quote about time.
Well 2020 has been both the longest year of my memory and yet, March through December has been a blur of but a few days.
That is a perfect quote. Seems like with this virus, it is all about time these days. Too much time, not enough time. A fabulous night image.
You did a terrific job on this one! Night shots are so difficult!
très belle lumière
Superbe photo de nuit.
I see your post today, Sherri, waking up to the GOOD NEWS that the Biden transition is finally official, even if the resistance continues. But yes, the quote is perfect for these long days before January 20th!
Une superbe photo de nuit très réussie !
” Le temps ne parait long qu’à ceux qui ne savent qu’en faire. ”
Citation de Joseph Sanial-Dubay ; Les pensées sur l’homme, le monde et les moeurs (1813)
Bonne journée
this is a wonderful shot with the gleaming whites with the dark backdrop, Sherri
Very beautiful image ! Yes everyone has his own sense of time !
Excellent night shot and the perfect quote to go with it
Beautiful quote and super image
The winner is already known and this will be Biden’s new home in January, nice photo and also well lit, a nice ending for both.
The light is a lovely contrast.
I know he won, but I won’t rest easy until I see him actually behind the desk.
looks very parlimentary!
is this about the election?
It was worth the wait, but still one feel a bit unease of what could happend.
Magnifique photo de nuit.
Le temps est par rapport à ce que l’on en fait ….
A fine night shot and the quote is so very true
Really nice night photo and what a perfect title and quote for this long-awaited transition. I can’t imagine how so many people must be waiting for this chapter to end. The unfortunate thing is how difficult it will be for him to overcome all that has occurred and all of those who feel the current redhead has been wronged. I shake my head. Nuff said. … love your photo.