We musicians are not so concerned with matters of sonics and acoustics, bricks and mortar; instead we focus our energies on interpretation, making the music come alive. Music is made by humans, and whether the Philharmonic were to give concerts in a barn or the basement of Macys, these fabulous players would make memorable, vital music.
— Lorin Maazel said that

Are you sitting at that piano?
yes, it is mine
Beautiful light and tones captured in that shot!! I love the framed quote above it as well.
Wonderful title! That piano probably has a lot of stories to tell. A beautiful image!
Have you had your piano for many years, sherri?
i have had ‘a piano’ for 40+ years, but this piano is new
i love your piano Sherri and i agree with Lorin Maazel’s comment… music comes from the heart….peter:)
A beautiful image of this immaculate interior.
Wonderful sepia. Love it.
a formal and prim arrangement of the music room
Beautiful image.
That is a gorgeous shot. It sings to me.
A fine picture of your room. You have used sepia beautifully
Very beautiful ! The tones of this photo suggest too the timelessness of music .
Une belle composition ! J’adore l’ambiance de ta photo !
Knowing how to play the piano My unfinished business 🙁
Excellent picture.
Une très belle ambiance *****
Nice light and shade for this simple still life
Quelle belle photo, superbe! Bise, bonne journée tout en douceur!
I like the title and the timeless mood of this image. The words apply to any artist, even photographers.
A beautiful framed photo and a fine timeless editing.
Un très beau tapis et quel éclairage en deux partie sur ce piano fantastique
i love this image, Sherri. it is very nice in its simplicity and b/w use. i am not particularly religious but i like the thought framed above this instrument.
Every time I see a piano like this I think of my mom, who was a pianist extraordinaire, having given her piano debut in NYC at age 12. She was definitely all about interpretation…but the blind man who came to the house to keep her piano tuned was clearly also interested in the “mechanics” of the instrument. What a clean, soothing scene.
Impeccable image, très classique, comme je les aime !
Oh, I adore this image so very much. I had a hunch you made music.
The image itself is so wonderfully appealing but your choice of processing has truly enhanced the beauty and mood.