I’m a town in Carolina, I’m a detour on a ride
For a phone call and a soda, I’m a blur from the driver’s side
I’m the last gas for an hour, if you’re going twenty-five
I am Texaco and tobacco, I am dust you leave behind
I am peaches in September, and corn from a roadside stall
I’m the language of the natives, I’m a cadence and a drawl
I’m the pines behind the graveyard, and the cool beneath their shade
Where the boys have left their beer cans, I am weeds between the graves
My porches sag and lean with old black men and children
Their sleep is filled with dreams, I never can fulfill them
I am a town
I’m a church beside the highway, where the ditches never drain
I’m a Baptist like my daddy, and Jesus knows my name
I am memory and stillness, I am lonely in old age
I am not your destination, I am clinging to my ways
I am a town
I’m a town in Carolina, I am billboards in the fields
I’m an old truck up on cinder blocks, missing all my wheels
I am Pabst Blue Ribbon, American, and “Southern Serves the South”
I am tucked behind the Jaycees sign, on the rural route
I am a town, southbound
so brilliantly written by Mary Chapin Carpenter
I like the words. They paint a picture to go with your image
i love the way that you framed the gallery and the abandoned building beside it Sherri…. covid will create many closed up buildings…
Mary Carpenter’s poem describes the little town so well… with the people and things that make it so….peter:)
The words really help us dive into this photo with meaning and understanding. The gallery is a great standout with an inviting entry.
A fine ode to small town America. The art gallery owner is trying hard to make it in this small town it seems. I wish her/him well.
An excellent bit of photojournalism, this is. Great photo – well composed and processed…. and I enjoyed singing along to the mournful song I haven’t herd in decades. Thank you.
OH, Mary Chapin Carpenter! The minute I saw it was her quote, I loved all of this even that much more! The pathos is unsettling in its own way, especially if you’ve seen it or been part of it. (sigh)
I like it, a beautiful presentation, very well done.
What a very fine atmospheric streetview on this store.
the words are so sad to me, but the picture looks happy to be in that small town…. reminds me of what kim klassen’s studio must be like… art parties…. sounds like a good life
well done, my friend xoxoxoxoxox
I haven’t heard that song in ages and the lyrics are so apropos for this image.
During the pandemic I’m noticing more photographers are documenting their city. I like the idea very much. I’ve always had a real soft spot for small towns and rural spaces. It’s often such a shame when once-grand old buildings are left abandoned, no longer used or with a purpose. In your image I really love seeing that someone has occupied the building as an art studio. I see they’re trying their best to bring people in (the parties hoping to appeal to some).
I’ve been documenting my village and the adjoining town all winter. I plan to begin posting a few of the images in upcoming posts. I love seeing these ones of yours. (Sorry to be so chatty)
not a problem with being chatty. i love hearing the thoughts.
not my town, actually. it’s about an hour away. a typical old town in arkansas and many other deep southern states.
We have something similar in our town … wine and paint parties !
your image catches the small town vibe – the vacant store and the small, personal, special shoppe
your poem is stunning in its mood and evocative small-town word images.
missing only Dr. Pepper or Cheerwine signs
and, oh yes, confederate flags
actually, the confederate flag is present. it’s just wound around the pole.
Nice quote and photo combination
Image and lyrics are beautiful and sad. Your photo could be any small town in the US–vacant buildings and people trying to revive the town. Despair and hope.