
Photographic technique is no secret and provided the interest is there, easily assimilated. But inspiration comes from the soul and when the muse isn’t around even the best exposure meter is very little help. In their biographies, artists like Michelangelo, da Vinci and Bach said their most valuable technique was their ability to inspire themselves. This is true of all artists; the moment there is something to say, there becomes a way to say it.
— Ralph Gibson
Indeed a successful and creative solution, bravo !!
This is fabulous! I like the puzzle effect! A great quote by John Rosenthal.
i like what you did with the puzzle Sherri… i enjoyed the quote by Ralph Gibson….peter:)
A very creative way to add interest to an image.
“I don’t have anything to say in any picture. My only interest in photography is to see what something looks like as a photograph. I have no preconceptions.”
— Garry Winogrand
i like the composition very much, Sherri
Perfect quote for these two images, Sherri. It’s so true, isn’t it!
what a beautiful still life! so perfectly minimalist! love it … and your thumbnail is a bit bigger, that’s cool
An interesting pairing. nicely done
Oh oh …the background is not so easy to find but the composition is superb and I like the color and light of apples !
Fantastique composition et imagination
Belle soirée
Effectivement très sympa en puzzle…
Nicely done Sherri
Such an eye-catching effect and I love the pieces that are “removed” from the puzzle!
Very good – I love both the photo and the puzzle!!!
Superbe nature morte !