Above all, I craved to seize the whole essence, in the confines of one single photograph, of some situation that was in the process of unrolling itself before my eyes.
— Henri Cartier-Bresson said that

Above all, I craved to seize the whole essence, in the confines of one single photograph, of some situation that was in the process of unrolling itself before my eyes.
— Henri Cartier-Bresson said that
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Beautiful perspective, colors, focus, and bokeh. A gorgeous image for spring.
i love this bottom up view, Sherri
A beautifully used composition from below, also a fine Dof.
What a fabulous point of view to give a visual to the words
An excellent PoV from which to capture this blossom!! Even from behind they are visually attractive!
Beautifully photographed from below
So beautiful, in every way…both vision and verb!
Absolutely lovely – a well-chosen pov
Very beautiful composition and superb colors .
That is a gorgeous shot.
I have probably said it too many times but I will say it again. Cartier-Bresson had a genius eye.
so few recognize the beauty of the back of a flower
Superbe macro par dessous avec la coletette et cet orange splendide.
A beautiful image – I love your point of view!
Bel angle de prise. Magnifique.
This is a beautifully executed flower picture Sherri
Magnifique ta photo !!! 5*
nice choice of viewpoint
Oh Sherri, quelle belle photo, I love it!!! So beautiful! Merci pour ce magnifique moment douceur, big hug have a great day!
A lovely image – great POV
Excellent PoV. I like a lot.
These days I took several pictures with flowers, but I had never considered this perspective, interesting, but I also imagine uncomfortable. 🙂
Fabulous green and orange, great pov.
Precious and beautiful capture and colors
I love this worm’s eye view.
I love how alive this makes me feel. I really appreciate the perspective you took; allows the viewer to really consider this in a new way
All the delicacy of nature in this beautiful spring image!
Magnifiques couleurs de printemps ****