cLi.cHEs Posted by sherri May 6, 2020 flora images macro 20 Comments 4.1k Views :: I speak in cliches ::but it makes for intriguing conversationi said that sherri May 6, 2020
Beautiful light and clarity captured in this close-up! I love the velvety appearance in the foliage.
Ver fine and good close-up
Perfect use of backlight here, Sherri – it transports well the intensity and power of the sunligh.t
Isn’t that just lovely – Beautiful DOF and treatment!
i like the soft, fuzzy feel to this close up shot, Sherri.
C’est très joli, j’aime les couleurs tendres.
it just looks like it’s all made from cotton. its so cool! wonderful color tones also.
Perfect photo Sherri.
/An interestingly furry plant!
awww, it’s so pretty and soft looking, i want to pet it 🙂
An impressive and soft close-up, I also like your words.
De belles couleurs douceurs et feuilles veloutées ravissantes.
Every story has been told, every song has been sung, every photo has been taken. Oh well, I will just trudge along, doing my thing, oblivious to my unoriginality and enjoying it.
Quite a beautiful image!
Gorgeous light and color. This is a beautiful close up image. I love it.
Quelle plante et fleur quelle finesse superbe vue et image cette texture de la plante
Belle soirée
I love the softness, both of the focus and the colours
‘I’ll take a rain check on that’ 🙂 That plant looks so touchable
Such soft leaves – your plant looks almost a furry animal
HAHAHA about speaking in cliches. But, yes, this is so lambsy divey. How sweet and cozy.