dAys Posted by sherri Aug 7, 2019 greyscale images people 18 Comments 5.5k Views We do not remember days, we remember moments. — Cesare Pavese said that sherri Aug 7, 2019
Excellent range of tones captured in this B&W composition! I love the casting of shadows, too.
A fine b&w which is a crisp, clean image,
Jolie scène de rue, le noir et blanc lui va très bien.
I would have been too chicken to snap that pic…. you don’t see much street photography in my collection!
I really love that quote… of course i tried to remember a day after i read it 🙂
Quel personnage dans la ure et vue fantastique ensemble et sèche
Belle soirée
So very true, Sherri. So very true. I’m sure this gentleman is thinking of such a moment, good or bad.
Fine black and white street shot!
Quote and picture go together well . More ‘Be Here Now’ required 🙂
Beautiful b/w street photography.
A pretty capture of this tidy looking street.
with his downcast eyes. I wonder whether he is entering the police station to pay a fine, or perhaps to rescue someone who has been arrested.
The days seem to all run together. A wonderful image!
nice words, Sherri. and i guess those are the ones that matter
The pensive man really captures the feeling of the words.
Nice shot. This is so true!
Bien vrai …. L’homme en solitaire belle composition.
A nice clear street shot!
Oh yes, absolutely and your photo so perfectly illustrates this saying.