The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy said that

The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy said that
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Cette ombre au sol le GRAND silo et l’enchaînent des autres quelle vue
Ils vont bientôt se remplir ces silos.
Quite a dominating presence these grain silos have on the landscape! They must be well stocked!
I like the row of granaries, but I am confounded by the foreground shadow of the unseen tree
I remember the big silos in west Texas when I was a kid. I wonder what is in these.
Very nice lines
The image is fabulous, Sherri, but the quote greatly saddens me. What’s wrong with our system???
that’s why all the farms are being bought up by huge corporations… sad…I really really like the picture tho!
The farmer is also the custodian of the countryside and that care often leaves a lot to be desired.
SUch true words. Well composed rural scene
A nice and clear photo of these typical american silos.
A very American look. We don’t have silos like this here in the UK as far as I know
Perfect photo!
you have a big group of big silos Sherri… and an even bigger sky… i like this….peter:)
Sadly, that is so true. And yet the majority of people continue to support the mega farms that treat animals cruelly, feed them things they shouldn’t be, and raise crops saturated with chemicals. I’m a buy-local fanatic, if being someone who intentionally supports all our local farmers.
That said, I so love this image. By including all that sky you’ve created perfect focus on the subject and have wonderfully allowed the image to create it’s statement. Nicely done.
oops, I got so carried away, I forgot to finish my sentence: s/b: “intentionally supports all our local farmers can be considered ‘fantatic.’ 🙂