after being joined at the hip to a computer for so many years, i often rely on tools for answers without thinking about the fact that some people don’t know these tools exist.
today, i attempted to visit photoblogs on the shutter chance site and the blogs of the people i visit wouldn’t pull, so i went to a site that can tell you if any domain is down for everyone or if it’s just you who can’t pull the site.
for future reference, use Is It Down Right Now? and you’ll know too
unsolicited tip #2,753
There have been problems with Shutterchance since the new server. I know Peter in Canada hasn’t been able to get on . Keep trying. I miss your comments
yeah, but bad response time gives you more time to sip your coffee
Very nice idea
Le bon café quei réveille et cette odeur dans la cuisine sueprbe vue
Belle journée
Thank you, sherri
OK understood, thanks, nice picture with this explanation.
It’s always a good time for coffee.
Le 1er bonheur du matin !….
Ne peux rien faire d’autre avant !…
That is a great tip! A wonderful image! I can always use coffee!
Thanks so much, Sherri!!! Fantastic tip – yes I’ve not been able to get on SC – but it seems to be fixed now!
i love this picture… and coffee is about the only ‘treat’ i have left in life… i may go buy myself a bodum for Christmas
thanks for the website tip!!