LovELy siLENcE Posted by sherri Dec 3, 2020 fauna flora greyscale images macro 17 Comments 3.9k Views How lovely the silence of growing things i don’t know who said that sherri Dec 3, 2020
Excellent bokeh effect to isolate your subject and let it shine! Splendid clarity as well.
There is nothing better in life than sitting in the garden and hearing only one’s thoughts. And maybe the occasional bird.
la vie dans toute sa splendeur
So very true, Sherri. I also always say that why I love Christmas trees so much is because they’re so quiet! 🙂
well seen and shot, Sherri. i like the colour tones
that is gorgeous! but what is that crawling up it’s neck?? eep!
love love the quote tooooo xoxoxoxoxox
Very niice view with the insect
Love the composition and use of negative space oh and that small spider? Beautiful Sherri!
A delight and the quote is very true
Indeed a lovely silence photo, the insect is on its way to the top without saying anything.
What a beautiful image, Sherri!! Wonderfully composed – and you even have a creature on the stem! Perfect!
Wonderful blurred background to make the flower pop … neato!
including the wee insects 😉
Lovely image with a calming feel to it. Nice choice of processing too.
That’s an interesting critter on the stem.
a plain and peaceful scene until you notice the creature clinging to the stalk of the tall flower
nice simple composition