“Integrity is more than truth and honesty; integrity is an unshackled mind, a happy heart, and a light spirit. Integrity is inner peace with a clear, clean conscience. Integrity is self-respect, honor, and credibility. Integrity is healthy and unfettering, and it is worth defending.”
Richelle E Goodrich said that

Splendid macro captured of this dandelion before the puffball appears! The sunlight provides great highlights.
Congratulatins with this day.
Happy independence day, sister! July 1st was canada day up here, and i didn’t even hear any fireworks! I hope you have a good one, and neat pic! xoxox
Perfect title for your image. And very clever using the dandelion about to go to seed over the American flag. So much symbolism. Yes, obscured.
The backside of the flag is making a real statement. And gone to seed.
what could be more American than a dandelion? and sharing space with the flag on the eve of the holiday.
an excellent image and quote for profoundly challenging times
Have a nice, happy and safe independance Day.
Title and photo fit exactly.
This is a powerful image Sherri. The quote is a good one for these troubled times
Hope you had a happy Fourth!!!!!
Jolie illustration du 4 juillet.
Love, love, love your images … hope you had a great Fourth!
Integrity is something sorely missing right now in politics all over the world, Sherri. It’s enough to break the spirit and soul of a country. (sigh) In that regard, your image is wistful and even hopeful….
Belle image, dans une atmosphère très spéciale. Surtout en cette période.