As a person who has lived in many towns, in many states; always in the public eye, I’ve had to devise a plan for quick simulation. One of the tools I’ve made use of in this process is the city’s oldest cemetery. I have found a correlation between the surnames on the grandest monuments in a city’s oldest cemetery and the signs in front of the law offices, doctor’s offices, and other businesses.
My last two images, bLoOm and oN tHE squARe are connected to this image. All three images were shot with old film, none of them were cropped and only a minuscule tweak was made in Photoshop.
The quote used with bLoOm is ironic because “she” is no longer there when the flowers come to comfort her. “She” is in the cemetery and the house was abandoned when I captured the photograph. The photograph posted oN tHE squARe would still look the same today except the cafe is closed. The flowers surrounding the house are within walking distance of the cafe.
Purchasing this home was cost-prohibitive for many people for several years for a variety of reasons, but one of the major factors is that it had no central heat and cooling system. This image shows a coal chute, where in times past, a delivery of coal was made and someone would shovel the coal directly into the basement. A coal furnace would heat the home with what is commonly called “gravity heat”; meaning there was no ductwork, but heat would rise from the basement through large vents cut in the basement ceiling connecting to the main floor.
However, Arkansas has a warm, tropical climate so cooling a house is a priority and requires ductwork and a central cooling system, which brings me to the old money. The purchase price of the house was very low, but to bring the house up to state code and back to a comfortable living condition was much more than the purchase price. So, it was zoned commercial and purchased by a group of attorneys with the same surnames graven on some of the grandest monuments in the city’s oldest cemetery.
I don’t normally share so much background about my photographs so I’ve broken my own rules for living:
- Don’t tell everything you know
Around here, if you want to know the oldest european family names you just have to look at the street signs. It is strange, however, that the signs do not include the names of first nations families.
Well, I- for one, am thankful you’ve broken this rule – if only just this once! I very much enjoyed this story, and appreciate you sharing it with us! It’s nice to know more about these photos.
Love this one 😉
I believe it is a correct usage of “ironic” to note the word MAJESTIC on a lowly rusty coal chute.
Une vision pessimiste, c’est le moins que l’on puisse dire.
Mais non… tout n’est pas si vieux, la verdure prouve le contraire, il me semble.
WOW. That IS a story, Sherri, and is one of the reasons why I love old cemeteries…around the world. You learn so much about a people and their culture from such places.
Magnifique cette fenêtre et merci pour tes explications attrayantes. )
Please break your 1st rule again sometimes – this made very interesting reading, sherri
A wonderful story and an image full of texture and color to illustrate it. thanks for sharing.
A nice and clear detail photo.
The ‘ravages of time’ do not spare anyone and anything. I, too, like visiting graveyards whenever I travel because they tell so much about the history and way of life – and death – of a place.
Again, a very poignant reminder of what you so eloquently say in your informative text in this image!
Merci pour toutes tes explications!!! une photo d’un vécu !
Interesting back story. I’m glad you broke your own rule, after all that’s what they are made for 🙂
I enjoyed your background and photographies !
Impressionnant et tout beau à la fois, superbe! Bise, bon vendredi tout doux et dans la joie!
it was a very interesting story, I would be interested in more 🙂 more everythings
It’s funny how things go around in circles. I’m loving seeing this old film too btw.
I believe in breaking rules. 🙂 I like your thoughts about the correlation between surnames on the grandest monuments. Interesting observation. And I like you Majestic photo captured with old film. Has that feeling of time gone by – in many ways.
Majestic image ;-0
What’s rule 2? 😉 Excellent photo of the coal chute. The place I grew up had a coal furnace that required deliveries and feeding the furnace, removing clinkers, etc. Later, an auto feeder was added so, you only had to fill the hopper on it.
“clinkers”, you call them
you jogged my memory on that one
they are called “slag”, the great imitators of coal
slag looks just like coal, but will not burn
thanks for the reminder !
Well, rules need to be bent. 🙂
(In my travels, always, I visit cemeteries and markets too.)
Thanks for your explanation. !
A majestic shot. 😉 I love old cemeteries also. There are so many stories on the stones, and so many mysteries. My blog is full of cemetery photos. I can hardly pass one by on a road trip, and sometimes they are the destination.
I love shooting (expired) film too,
Great series.
I enjoy your connections to your photos. I like the substance captured here.
This is a very well created picture Sherri
Such an interesting story. Around here, it is the street names that connect you to the oldest families. This is such an interesting image. I don’t think that I have ever seen a coal chute. I know that they exist but have just never seen one.
Service output? 🙂
I imagine it is no longer in use considered abandonment.
interesting story. I haven’t shot film in so long — years. When we downsized, I found one roll of unused film. I hung on to it for some strange reason — it’s years out of date.
Génial une magestique iamge quelle eptitefenêtre quel charmant nom superbe
How ironic that I was reminiscing about the home I grew up in that had a defunct coal chute, but the name Majestic came to mind and googled it and sure enough, there were a whole bunch of photos of these coal chutes. Ours was black and windowless.