Let your love be like the misty rains, coming softly, but flooding the river.
— i don’t know who said that

Let your love be like the misty rains, coming softly, but flooding the river.
— i don’t know who said that
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What profound words. You image gives them lovely life.
C’est une belle citation et une belle photo !
Said to be a Malagasy proverb 🙂
Une très belle image ****
such a beautiful scene, even if the river is over the banks. And your words complete the entire scene. So nice.
This beautiful landscape can handle a bit of flooding, wonderful view!
A fine landscape image.
Where the horizon seems to never end.
That is a delightful image.
We suffered through wildfire evacuation last year and now some people near us are being evacuated do to flooding.
a little high water clears the stream. too much can cause damage
Lovely landscape.
Somehow the large sky seems to concentrate the eye on the landscape
It’s created a lovely, lazy creek
A lovely muted landscape Sherri
The river makes a beautiful shape
A beautiful vista accompanied by words to live by.
Que c’est beau et bien dit Sherri et ta photo est superbe!!! Bisou, bon premier Mai tout en douceur!
Perhaps You ! But it’s a wonderful shot, Phil
Quelle forme ce plan d’eau et vue quelle immesitéet payasage fantastique
Belle soirée
i like the hint of colours in this scene, especially the subtle sky, Sherri
Beautiful landscape !
Lovely landscape – and another Malagasy proverb 🙂
beautiful quote and beautiful picture… one of my nicknames when i was young was ‘Rain’… i think it came from standing beside a girl names ‘Sunshine’ at a party 🙂
A beautiful landscape image. I love the quote.