What I feel about these photographs derives from an average affect, almost from a certain training. It is studium. Whether I receive them as political testimony or enjoy them as good historical scenes: for it is culturally that I participate in the figures, the faces, the gestures, the settings, the actions. The second element will break, or punctuate, the studium. This time it is not I who seek it out. It is this element which rises from the scene, shoots out of it like an arrow, and pierces me. A Latin word exists to designate this wound, this prick, this mark made by a pointed instrument. Punctum.
— Roland Barthes said that
![u n t i t l e d](https://pearweed.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/N1026080211500.jpg)
According to Wikipedia, “Roland Gérard Barthes was a French literary theorist, philosopher, linguist, critic, and semiotician.” No wonder I don’t understand a word of his quote.
And “I miss Bill”
Google “well known people named Bill” for even more.
It makes me wonder which Bill this is referring to.
“Studium is the element that initially gets your attention. It can be colors, a cool background, a pose, really anything. But the punctum is what Roland describes as the thing that “pricks or bruises.” It’s that rare detail that makes the viewer feel something and pushes the photo even further.” So, I’m really getting my education today and am loving it…no matter who Bill is! 🙂
I did try to read “Mythologies” by Barthes, but failed miserably
Belle composition saisie
J’aime beaucoup ta photo
And who and where is Bill 😉
lol that quote…. ‘umm…. yeah…. what??’
Great caaapture ! I often see an “element that rises the scene ” …!
Presumably not Tax Bill 🙂
Oupsss Bill must be someone very important to her! Bise, bonne journée dans la joie!
Powerful words – WHat grabs me about this image is the feeling it creates.
Ces cheveux bruns et cette inscription de dos super
Nice detail shot.
Not sure what Bill, but interesting shot.
Lovely storytelling shirt and photo.
How can anyone wonder which Bill is being referred to here? I miss him, too. A very cool image.
i have to say i’m mystified about that as well and i miss him too
Qui est donc Bill ?
i suppose it is better than a shirt that says “kill bill”!
Is that the Bill in Kill Bill or Clinton, I wonder? 🙂
I’m still here!!
I like it, even if I can not say why.
okay, I would need some time to re-read and really analyze what he’s really saying. I must be a dummy but I’ll admit it and put it behind me! I too wonder which Bill but my guess goes with Clinton.
I hope Bill misses her, too. 😉