I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
— E.B. White said that

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
— E.B. White said that
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A beautiful and lighthearted image of the balloon and big sky.
I am in total agreement! A beautiful image!
An intriguing photo in it’s simplicity and yet quite complex colour tones. It takes a little time before one discovers the clue and then the whole image opens up even more.
very imaginative use of (lots of) negative space
That is wonderful. A bit of pure delight.
I LOVE that texture!! Great!
A fine minimalistic picture Sherri
Very beautiful texture and colors . Then let us enjoy good moments and wait for the following ones …
Tout beau ce fil de ballons dans le ciel tout bleu, superbe! Bise, bonne journée toute douce!
Graphicly very interesting ! I like this simplicity, Phil
J’adore ton style ! c’est minimaliste et vraiment superbe !!10*
Those dots of color give this a whimsical appeal
Beautiful texture and color. Balloon is a good idea
Excellent minimalism !
I saw a poster that said, “I was going to change the world today, but something shinny caught my eye.” A little bit the same thing. 😉
Wooo Magnifique.
J’aime aussi la citation.
That’s quite the attention getter as it rises so high in the sky!! The colors stand out nicely against the blue sky.
Gorgeous abstract photo.
Strikingly minimalist and most effective!
A fascinating image – I can’t imagine how you did it!
Ces boules tout à droite et ce fil quel abstrait et douce tonalité sueprbe.
oh my gosh!! hahaha, what a funny quote!! 🙂 i love your treatment of the sky… beautiful xoxox
I’m so totally drawn to minimalist images. And the perfect quote to go with this too.
By the way, have I ever mentioned how much I really love your blog logo? If not, yes I really do.
Un magnifique monochrome, une composition épurée. C’est excellent.
Tellement joli ****