I never saw a discontented tree. They grip the ground as though they liked it, and though fast rooted they travel about as far as we do. They go wandering forth in all directions with every wind, going and coming like ourselves, traveling with us around the sun two million miles a day, and through space heaven knows how fast and far!
— John Muir said that

And they communicate with each other. Forest root systems share nutrients and water between trees.
I love bare trees. They hold the secret of what is to come. A lovely image.
that quote probably pre-dates the introduction of the woolly aphid and European bark beetle iand other pests nto American forests. There’s hardly an elm or a chestnut left in America, and huge swaths of the Smoky Mountains and Blue Ridge Parkway are decimated.
You have picked a fine tree to photograph today.
J’aime beaucoup cette sobriété de l’image, l’arbre de le la vie.
Très bel arbre ample et qui se découpage dans ce ciel mervielleux.
Belle journée
And now you have reminded me of Judi Dench’s “My Passion for Trees.” If you haven’t seen it, please do yourself a favor! I love trees, especially naked trees like this in winter!
I am always sad to see a mutilated tree with branches lopped off willy-nilly. It seems we are concerned so much with our high winds here
A beautiful bare tree here but my favorite has to be a large bare willow.
Une magnifique silhouette. )
lovely treeee picture, but i have seen discontented trees! evergreens by the road, green in the back, rusty and dead on the road side, expressing their discontent… did you know that trees can feel it when people argue near them? and they don’t like it
Une très belle photo en B&W ! j’aime beaucoup l’ambiance !
nice structure to this one
Superbe, qu’il est beau ton arbre, magnifique! Bise, que ta journée te soit douce, belle et lumineuse!
Wise words by Mr. Muir to accompany a wonderfully tranquil image full of positive atmosphere!
John Muir is a personal favorite. He loved trees and nature and did so much to preserve and enahnce our experiences with it. What a delightful thought to put with this shapely silhouette!
They travel so fast, yet appear perfectly still. And they do it so gracefully.
This is a good picture. I like the Muir quote, too. Well done.
Great network of branches that stand out nicely against that winter sky!! Great quote as well by John Muir.
I had never considered the travel in this way 😉 Excellent duo photo-quote!
A fine landscape photo with a beautiful composition and monochrome.
Great black/white landscape with the prominent tree.
Lovely silhouet has this tree
A beautiful tree with a fine branching structure.
Out of time, waiting for the arrival of man. 🙂
Really a beautiful and soft bw process. I like silhouette of naked tree
Beautiful B&W! I love the mood.