I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.
— that Mark Twain guy said that

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.
— that Mark Twain guy said that
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Makes you want to keep your distance when there’s that much stuff on the vehicle in front of you! Great find and capture!
I like the quote. Mostly we have had good luck with the friends or family that we have traveled with.
That is definitely a true statement! A great image!
You always provoke with your quote and stimulate with your photo, so it is tough to comment. Today you seem to illustrate a traveler who espouse so many viewpoints that you have to both agree and disagree with, Oh, well,
Drôle de véhicule !
Certainly the true test of any relationship
They clearly don’t care what is behind them!
What true words. You have captured a vehicle full of interest. I would like to see it close up.
Une sacrée jeep tout décore quelle vue et effet que de décorations et ce rendu sur le fonds excellent
Belle soirée
Indeed a true statement, a nice appropriate photo.
Good timing on the capture – you must have had your camera ready! Not sure what his statement is… perhaps some conflicting ones…
A very true quote. VERY!
hahaha, i would have to agree with Mark on that one… i love the texture and processing on your pic !!!
there is a lot going on on that track, Sherri. i imagine if there are cctvs then a penalty will be waiting for him in his post.
Great shot!
That Mark Twain certainly knew about human nature. I’d stay well back from that clown car, too.
J’adore une splendide photo avec un super traitement !